Okay, I'm alright with measuring blood pressures, and pulses, and counselling people to stop smoking and discussing family hisories of heart disease and a million other things....
... but
toenail clippings?
Come on now! I have to draw the line somewhere...
This guy needs to soak his feet in an iodine bath every day for 3 or four months.
Not an uncommon condition among farmers and fishermen.
In the immortal words of Billy Crystal, "I've seen worse."
This is why God made podiatrists.
I don't blame you, but I have MS and for a few months my feet were swollen since I stopped being able to walk, during that time my big toe nails grew straight up. When the swelling has now ended--over a year now, the nails can't grow straight, nor release the think overgrowth. My family doc referred me to Specialist who simply told me it would resolve. Well, it has not. I has soaked them, salved them, filed them to death, nothing. I know if I just found the right, older Dr. who has seen this...very frustrating. They don't hurt or bother me, except it just ain't right and there must be an answer. My finger nails grow fast and strong, as does my thick hair. I guess the docs make me feel like a freak. The podiatrist's first words were, "I've never seen anything like this!" I explained the swelling and he then declared, as if he had diagnosed it himself, that was the reason. $350 Ka-Ching.
"Call your primary are doctor"
Oh what great advice! A primary care doctor just looks in his Rolodex and says "Gee, that's outside my abilities. Go see this specialist', that will be $100.00. Your 13 1/2 minutes are up. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Of course you go see the specialist and they tell you "I don't know. That'll be $350. Don't let the.."
If you have toe fungus, cut the nail back as far as you can, brush iodine on them every day until the entire nail bed has grown out. No more toenail fungus, and the bonus prize is you get to keep your liver!
(THIS guy has toenail fungus, you may not, you may have nail bed damage and if you do, there isn't anything that can be done, save cut the nail bed back, or just remove the nails (not as bad as it sounds. Really.)
I think it is a problems of blood which is effective for their body
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