Sunday, February 21, 2010

Name Alert! Treating PE

My entire medical career "PE" used to be about a pulmonary affliction where a blood clot goes to the lungs: pulmonary embolus. Now, thanks to the power of marketing gurus who have little regard for medical nomenclature, there's a new "PE" in town involving the same organ as the heavily marketed malady, "ED."


Talk about the yin and yang of urology...



Michael Katz said...

"As a study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior notes, PE is the most common male sexual dysfunction."

Does this mean CVS is going to stock lytics next to the condoms?

Anonymous said...

I hope the GU folks don't start using that abbreviation. Could get confusing.
Re: the new drug - It would probably be a lot cheaper to treat them with a generic SSRI.

Marco said...

Just waiting for a woman to show up at an ER somewhere with a complaint of 'PE'...