In the spirit of the upcoming holiday season and to make sure something on health care reform gets done before the end of the year, Dr. Wes and his wife, Diane, would like to propose the first (and perhaps only) US Healthcare Reform Photoshop Contest.
Bring us your snark, your wit, your creativity about the health care reform efforts encapsulated in a single photograph. Photographs in support or against the current efforts will be equally considered, and you, dear internet devotees, will be the final judge. The winner receives an iPod Touch.
Rules: No more than one photo entry per household, please. Create a single photo using Photoshop or other equivalent photo-editing software that encapsulates the essence of health care reform as you see it. Photographs must be G, PG, or PG-13 rated and family-friendly (R or X-rated photographs will be enjoyed, but not eligible or posted). An example image we created is shown above. Please do NOT use copyrighted photos.
E-mail your entries to me at wes - at - medtees dot com (please keep file sizes under 100K) with your name, address and e-mail contact information and I'll post the vetted entries on a webpage on this blog in the order they are received. If the response is overwhelming, we reserve the right to limiting the images posted to our discretion.
Depending on the number of entries, our highly distinguished referees (my wife and I) will choose the five or six photographs that will serve as the finalists by no later than 11:59 PM on 30 November 2009. On 2 December 2009 or so, the chosen finalists will be displayed and the polls will open for you to choose the winner. The photograph with the most votes tallied will receive an 8Meg iPod Touch. Voting on the finalists will close 11 Dec 2009 at 11:59 PM. This way, we hope there's plenty of time for our prize to reach the winner before the holidays and final health care reform vote. In the unusual event there is a tied vote, we will chose the winner between the two favorites.
So get going, be creative and most of all, have fun!
Happy holidays!
- Wes and Diane
P.S.: Please spread the word!
FTC Disclaimer: No advertising sponsors are supporting this contest.

The entries so far can be viewed here.
Love this. Will help get the word out!
Posted on my blog...
And in the meantime will try to come up with a great submission!
Way better than Dancing with the Stars. I am promoting this.
Id like to nominate AZ Rainman's Obama Health Plan:
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