Friday, January 30, 2015

Is the ABIM Hiding Something?

Mr. Charles Kroll, a health care non-for-profit accountant, notes a troubling discrepancy this morning in the 2014 consolidated financial statement recently released by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and it's Foundation:

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) recently posted the Consolidated (i.e. including ABIM Foundation) Financial Report for the Year Ending June 30, 2014 (and June 30, 2013) to it’s Revenue and Expenses: Where Does the Money Go? page.

The Financial Report’s Contents page lists 3 Financial Statements and 12 pages of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

The Consolidated Financial Report for the Year Ending June 30, 2013 (and June 30, 2012) filed with the State of Pennsylvania on April 7, 2014 Contents page lists 3 Financial Statements, 12 pages of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, and 6 Supplementary Information reports spanning 8 pages.

The Financial Report for the Year Ending June 30, 2013 was never posted on ABIM’s Revenue and Expenses page.

The 6 Supplementary Information reports listed included at June 30, 2013, but not June 30, 2014, are as follows: Consolidating Statements of Financial Position (2 pages), Consolidating Statement of Activities (2 pages), Schedule of ABIM Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets (Deficit) from Operations, Consolidating Schedule of Administrative, Program and Project Expenses, Consolidating Schedule of Staff Expenses and Consolidating Schedule of Office Expenses.
So questions must be posed about the ABIM's disclosure policy on their "Where Does the Money Go?" webpage:

Ahem, where, exactly, did the money do? Why aren't supplemental information reports included in the 2014 financial statement? Might the ABIM "not be meeting MOC requirements" for public disclosures themselves?


Addendum 09:25 am CST: Post edited (underlined text) to reflect changes made to the MedCityNews piece after it was originally republished here.


  1. $215 Million to reward the medicine bureaucrats with Obama's new Precision Medicine program. This is an obvious reward to the ivory tower elite for supporting Obamacare. The NIH leaders can send more money to their favorite universities and political favorites consolidating power with similar thinkers.
    We can only hope that ABIM is eligible for a grant from this new slush fund.

  2. What is the pertinent legal jurisdiction? Is the prosecutor's office aware??


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