Friday, June 12, 2009

How to Promote Heart Disease Awareness

I'm not making this up: Pole dancing.

Sounds like a good idea to me.



  1. Pole dancing is our newest exercise in Cardiac Rehab. ;)

  2. Yeah, I didn't know pole dancing was the new rage in fitness, either. A woman just opened a pole dancing fitness studio for women in town. Hubby (cop) got called to an alarm there. Of course, he and his fellow officer had to inspect the place (and all the photos of the classes) very closely to make sure nothing had been taken. Thankfully, they were able to determine it was a false alarm...

  3. I had to laugh when I saw this. I can just see Fireguy bringing me to the station telling me I need to work out there, since they have a pole. All in the name of good health of course.


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