Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Superbugs and the Police State

Imagine folks: breach hand hygiene rules and hospitals could be fined up to £50,000 in England.

I can just see it now: undercover agents ("watchdogs") with clipboards slapping overworked doctors and nurses with tickets for "Failure to Wipe" or "Soap dispenser dysfunction." Or slipping a little fine into already underfunded hospitals. Criminey. Are these guys serious? As if patient's wouldn't have to ultimately pay the bill.

Look for similar rules here in the US as the government looks for ways to pay off the mortgage crisis and fund healthcare for the uninsured or maybe for Hilliary's new bureaucratic "Wellness Trust" bill introduced recently before the Senate.

I mean, what is "Wellness" anyway?


h/t: Gooznews


  1. "Imagine folks: breach hand hygiene rules and hospitals could be fined up to £50,000 in England."

    Wow, and I thought CMS "never events" sounded bad.

  2. Coming soon to an Obamatopia near you!



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