Monday, January 29, 2007

An Intravascular Implantable Defibrillator

Just received word via a press release that InnerPulse, Inc has received funding to begin preparation for eventual clinical trials of a fully intravascular cardiac defibrillator. The implications for the patient will be an invisible implant, placed probably by a transvenous route from a femoral approach (in the leg). The company was founded in 2003 and has just won significant financial backing from many of the "biggies" in the defibrillator market (Medtronic, Boston Scientific, and Greatbach, but also has signficant investor interest from Johnson and Johnson). Sketchy details about the device are provided by their website, but the concept is VERY interesting and can extend to conventional pacing as well. Whether the device might increase the risk for deep venous thrombosis remains to be seen. Look for more on this in upcoming electrophysiology and interventional cardiology meetings.


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