Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Duly Notified

Warning: You are entering the chart of a deceased person


What happened? They called me about him. Said he was sick. He stared again at the message.

Warning: You are entering the chart of a deceased person

Should I open the chart? (Screw it - I need to find out what happened!)

But what if I do? (I'm not trying the alter the chart. Really. It's not my fault no one called me to tell me he died, is it?)

Warning: You are entering the chart of a deceased person

Why didn't they call me? I'd been caring for him for nearly ten years! I knew his story, his family, his wonderful personality. The ER said he looked sick and they were going to admit him.... Then someone called ... Didn't think he needed to be in the ICU... Who was that again?

Warning: You are entering the chart of a deceased person

Can't I just get his number to offer her my condolences?

Warning: You are entering the chart of a deceased person



  1. Court Record will show:
    "Doctor did you enter the chart because you felt guilty for not finding the aneurysm? You did know that the EMR records every entry to the chart. The EMR also shows that you only spent .2sec reviewing the interactions of Mr. Smith's coumadin and aspirin. Doctor, were you not concerned about this bleeding risk?"

  2. Very good take on such a signal. Makes we glad my chart never had that warning attached to it.

  3. Wes, I love to read your blog, but this post is another that makes me wonder why I am even doing this. Anon 1:13, is spot on and my heart sinks. My hands are often tied.


  4. SCRN, just remember that old saying, "No good deed ever goes unpunished." They'll miss us when we're gone!


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