Friday, February 06, 2009

"Go Red for Men" Logo Announced

And now, ladies and gentleman, completely free of commercial endorsement, I'd like to announce the Go Red for Men national campaign to raise heart disease awareness in men with a new logo, available to all, and completely free of any charge or requirement to purchase a thing.

And if women can use a red dress, guys can use....

... are you ready????? .....

.... boxer shorts!

For those who might want to place this simple logo on their blog in the sidebar, I've included a down-sized version for you:

"Go Red" guys! Just cut and paste the logo in your blog or website. And feel free to share your story of heart disease in the comments section. It's all about you. Let's build a community!


PS: Oh, the logo was courtesy Wikimedia Commons and pleasantly photoshopped for free. I'm wearing red (but it's hidden), how about you?


  1. Wes,

    We think alike. After yesterday's post, I did a Google images search for "man red swimsuit" for the same purpose.

    As you can imagine, I got all manner of women in slinky swimsuits, Baywatch red and other, but no suitable men. I guess the lack of male representation extends well beyond the bounds of cardiology.

    Keep up the good work,


  2. I think that would be wonderful! :)

  3. I'm irritated every year because Congenital Heart Disease gets ignored. I'm 42, born with Tricuspid Atresia. I've had three operations, and really, I shouldn't even be here. And there are two million other Congenital Heart Survivors out there besides me.

    But every year, I hear about every type of heart disease *except* CHD. It's frustrating.


  4. My husband (age 54) has the worst family history of anyone I've ever heard of:

    mother: nonfatal MI at 58
    maternal uncle: fatal MI at 40
    maternal grandfather: fatal MI at 35

    In addition, he had a calcium scan and his score was 488.

    He's asymptomatic but considered high risk. He's on 80 mg atorvastatin and also some niaspan.

    It's all genetic; he's an exercise fanatic. BMI 21. Lifelong nonsmoker. BP 110/70.


  5. SteveC-

    You're right on. I seem to hear a lot more about the sponsors than I EVER hear about heart disease of ANY kind - things like this: "for a $3 donation to JiffyLube, we'll give you $100 worth of savings to Jiffy Lube Perfumania and Yankee Candle."

    What the...?

    The whole thing's over the top - not to say women's heart disease awareness isn't important - it is - but the corporate schlock is nauseating and TOTALLY misses the point. Is the Go Red campaign really about awareness or exploiting women for marketing purposes?

  6. Marilyn Mann-

    Thanks. I think we're on to something here...

  7. Wikimedia--phooey...I thought we were getting a peek at Dr. Wes's underoos.

  8. About half of our cardiology staff wore red today. None of the docs, only the NPs, ECHO and EKG techs.
    (Of course the docs red could have been hidden like yours. I didn't ask!)


  9. Cardio NP, CHD Survivors have started wearing Red and Blue on November 29 each year - the anniversary of the Blalock-Taussig Shunt. Hopefully that will catch on.

  10. There's a pretty decent and very possibly appropriate picture of a man wearing red at:

    May not be HIPAA compliant to post, but no obvious identifiers and he seems to be in Brighton, England, so that may be moot.


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