Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I made saw a few patients, read some Holters, and then came home his afternoon to two kids working feverishly in the front yard. Excited, they exclaimed, "Look, it's Santa and his reindeer!"

Careful inspection disclosed a moderately obese male, looking younger than his stated age without a palpable pulse, axillary temperature of 32 degrees and no discernable blood pressure nor respirations. Nonetheless, it was clear the instruments most have been malfunctioning, because the patient and his companion looked very real indeed, one with a carrot nose and the other with a cherry-tomato nose. Clearly, the spirit of Christmas is very luch alive!

Click image to enlarge

Merry Christmas to all the patients, friends, colleagues and loyal readers of this blog. May you have the healthiest and happiest of holidays.



  1. I hope that yours was great. All the best to you in the New Year!

  2. What a great picture. My kids are also into detailed snow people.


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