Saturday, November 01, 2008

Patient's Bill of Health Care Rights

At our institution, we have a Patient's Bill of Rights that every patient is given when they are admitted to the hospital that includes, among other things, certain guarentees of the following:
Access to Care, Transfer, and Continuity of Care

Respect and Dignity


Access to Your Medical Record

Access to Information About Your Condition, Treatment and Prognosis If Known

Communication with Visitors and People Outside the Hospital

Access to Informed Consent

Acceptance and Refusal of Treatment

Access to Pain Management

Access to Protective Services.
Would you also like included that "no law shall be passed that restricts a person's freedom of choice of private health care systems or private plans of any type" and "No law shall interfere with a person's right to pay directly for lawful medical services..."

Welcome to the heart of the national health care debate: Proposition 101 in Arizona, the Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act:
(WSJ) Universal coverage plans, regulated by government, nearly always try to restrain costs by restricting the choices individual can make. This assumes a uniformity in the real-world of patients or the practice of medicine that simply doesn't exist, especially amid rapid developments in medical science. Who should decide -- the patient or a government treatment schedule -- whether a cancer sufferer should be able to try an experimental therapy or under what circumstances a senior citizen gets a hip replacement?
Government run health care proponents do not like this ballot initiative. In fact, as mentioned (subscription) in the Wall Street Journal today, opponents are spending four times as much as supporters in Arizona to defeat Proposition 101.

So if you were voting today, which would you choose, yeah or nay? Think about it. Review the pros and cons on the debate at the link above, then vote on my sidebar.

Hey, why should folks in Arizona have all the fun?



  1. I chose yea because I don't have to live with the consequences. Arizona can vet the program for the rest of the country, then we'll see if they develop a model worth imitating. Or not.

  2. Your point being? (came here from your most recent post about this) Basically all gov't run health care systems I know still allow you to pay cash for stuff not covered by the gov't health insurance. So what's the big deal?


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