Friday, January 25, 2008

Dr. Wes Does Internet Talk Radio

Thanks to Dr. Anonymous for the opportunity to appear on The Doctor Anonymous Show last evening, a weekly web-based blog talk radio show about medicine and med-bloggers on the web. The intro theme song? Why "Sweet Home Chicago" of course! Last night we touched on my background, how I came to be an electrophysiologist and med-blogger (and how that related to the t-shirt website I co-founded with my wife, I also discussed the difference between pacemakers and defibrillators, and a bit about the recent defibrillator recalls and the challenges they posed to doctors as well as patients, and finally, a bit about the future of electrophysiology.

If you missed the show, feel free to check out the archived copy.



  1. FANTASTIC show! I learned a lot!

    (more than I wanted, but a wife of an A-Fib patient {eeks how's that for bad first person usage} what I needed to know)

    And .. it was great fun in the *hecklers* section. *grin*

  2. So Cool! That was my first encounter with blog talk radio.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and story!

  3. BTR is fun and friendly format. Dr. A and Dr. Wes did a fantabulous job!


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