Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Heart Rhythm Society to Meet Next Week

The annual international Heart Rhythm Society meeting will occur next week in Boston, MA. Most of the sessions will cover issues related to heart rhythm disorders and heart failure therapies. Issues regarding how doctors are handling the device recalls, new therapies and technologies on the horizon, and late-breaking clinical trials will also be covered. I'll have a chance to interview a few thought leaders and device industry representatives while there. Let me know questions you might have out there in the blog-o-sphere. I'll post as many answers as possible next week or, depending on the responses received, might do a podcast so you can hear their responses as well.


1 comment:

  1. The NASPExAM was uber-hard. But not unpassable. Have you taken it and what do you think? What did you think of the conference....go to any afib sessions??


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