Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cutting my teeth on my first podcast...

Had a great time on my first podcast hosted by fellow bloggers, Dr. Helen Smith (a.k.a. Dr. Helen and Glenn Reynolds (a.k.a. and in conjunction with Laurie Anderson, RN of WebMD.

You can listen to it here. Love to get your feedback....



  1. Very good review - I'm sure I'll keep your and Laurie Anderson's blogs in my favorites - as I have heart valve prolapse.

    Please keep reviewing natural meds such as CoQ10 etc. - remember aspirin was originally used from willow trees.

  2. Well, on the podcast, I never got to review the "official" reccomendations of the American College of Cardiology on CoQ10 in particular. It's important to understand that the beneficial CoQ10 data comes from meta-analyses (collection of reports from a series of differently controlled studies) that showed benefit. At least two later PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED studies demonstrated no benefit to CoQ10 in the diet at reducing heart disease, hence the ACC does NOT recommend treatment with CoQ10 as a dietary supplement to prevent heart disease. For what it's worth, I also do NOT recommend this to my coronary artery disease patients (it's expensive without clear benefit) but if they want to take it, it probably won't HURT them either.

  3. As a neophyte to your area of expertise, I thought the podcast was interesting and informative. It's unfortunate that there was such a short time period and a small number of questions to work with. I look forward to reading your blog.

  4. Mary-
    I just started this blog, so hopefully over time I can start to address some of the multitude of questions posted on Dr. Helen's site. Just wish this paid like my day job....


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